Sunday, July 05, 2015

What are the causes of yeast infection?

Yeast is a fungus so it is a close cousin of mushroom, toadstools, truffles and puffballs.

Only a very small handful of yeast cultures are potentially harmful, with the primary cause of yeast infection being one particular strain as Candida albicans. Candida albicans is one of four varieties of candida that cause candidiasis, others are: Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida krusei.

All the fungi are on constant watch for sources of nutrition, and one such a nutritional source is located, many millions of these single cell Candida yeast organism will gravitate towards that source of nutrition. When they do so they become a mold.

In order to absorb nutrition, fungi have the same ability as animals to secrete hydrolytic enzymes as a way of turning indigestible solid matter into foodstuffs that the fungi can feed on.

It’s overgrowth of the fungus that causes problems.  There are number of cause of the uncontrolled growth, usually related to some type of immune suppression.

The loss of friendly bacteria in the body that fights off the overgrowth of Candida can cause yeast infection.  Sometimes there’s been a significant change in diet. Other times it’s due to use of antibiotics to treat another infection, such as strep throat or acne.

Other causes that can lead to yeast infection including:
*Poor personal hygiene
*Coming into contact with someone who has a yeast infection
*Consuming food with high yeast content
*Humid weather
What are the causes of yeast infection?

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