Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Affected areas of yeast infection in children

Candidiasis is a fungal infection of the skin or mucosa membrane commonly called a yeast infection or thrush.  It most affects the skin around the nails of the soft, moist areas around body openings.

There are numerous areas of the body that are affected by a yeast infection in children. Those areas include the mouth, and infections of the ear. Diaper rash in babies can be from one type of Candida infection. Older girls may develop another form of candida infection in and around the vagina.

In the diaper are, the lesions are often fiery red and show a preference for skin fold areas.

In addition there are associated ailments of the digestive system. These ailments include excessive gas, loose stools and bloating. Yeast infection tends to occur in children depleted from tiredness, stress poor diet or other illness.
Affected areas of yeast infection in children 

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