Infection is a biological phenomenon marked by the proliferation of a parasitic organism within the human body. This parasitic organism, often referred to as a "germ," resides either on or within another organism, obtaining sustenance from its host. When an individual is afflicted by an infection, this parasitic organism thrives within their body, extracting nourishment from the host's biological processes.
Modern medical understanding acknowledges that the term "infection" encompasses a broad spectrum of conditions. Notably, there are instances where the label of infection doesn't precisely apply. For instance, the natural growth of bacterial flora in the intestinal tract is generally not classified as an infection. Similarly, the bacteria that naturally inhabit the oral cavity are typically considered a normal and essential part of the body's microbial ecosystem, rather than causing infection.
Advancements in microbiology and immunology continually refine our understanding of infections and the complex interactions between microorganisms and the human body. Ongoing research provides insights into the mechanisms of infections, paving the way for more targeted treatments and preventive measures against various infectious agents.
Infection and Bacterial Growth
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